Training guidelines for children
These are guidelines on safe amounts of training for children put together by Mary Gowing, one of DSD's lead coaches and a qualified physiotherapist. This was reviewed by all the coaches and it has been agreed to circulate this to all the parents at training. It is here for reference by any adult/parent with an interest in children's training.

DSD provides sporting activities and opportunities to children, young people and vulnerable adults through training and participation in events.
We are fully committed to ensuring that young people are safeguarded in their participation in athletics. Early experiences of young athletes in our sport need to be positive and enjoyable, irrespective of ability, gender, social or ethnic background.
As an affiliated club of Athletics Ireland (AI), we operate under their guidance, safeguarding code and policies, all of which are in line with requirements laid out under the Children First Act 2015.

Statements & Policies
In line with best practice in Child Welfare, and fully adhering to Athletics Ireland's recommended processes and policies in this area, we have adopted many of their policies while also customizing certain policies to be Club specific. These policies are here:
Athletics Ireland Safeguarding Policy Statement for Children
Social Media, Online Safety & communicating with children Policy
All of Athletics Ireland policies and Code of Ethics may be found in the Child Welfare Section of their website.
Child Welfare Contacts
Club Children’s Officer: Tess Byrne, dsdchildwelfare@gmail.com & 087 6495146
Role: The role of the Club Children's Officer (CCO) is child-centred in focus. The primary aim is to establish a child-centred ethos within the Club. The CCO is the link between the children and the adults in the Club. They also have responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee on how Club policy impacts on young people and sports leaders. Other responsibilities include vetting, safeguarding training compliance, safe recruitment of coaches and supporting coaches and sports leaders on child protection issues.
Designated Liaison Person: Gerry Dunne, Gerry@obriendunne.com
Role: The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is responsible for reporting allegations or suspicions of child abuse to TUSLA Child and Family Agency or An Garda Síochána. The Mandated Person in Athletics Ireland is informed of any reports made from the Club. Working with the Club Children’s Officer, the DLP acts as a resource for children at Board Level.
Mandated Person in Athletics Ireland: National Children’s Officer: Kieron Stout, kieronstout@athleticsireland.ie & 086 2450134
Role: To assist and support the CCO and DLP in all Safeguarding issues, policies and procedures.

Mental Health & Wellbeing
This resource page signposts some of the support services for mental health and wellbeing for all ages, as outlined by Athletics Ireland, and includes important contact information for all services listed. Mental health conditions are characterized by changes in our thinking, mood or behaviour and can include illnesses such as anxiety, depression, addiction, personality disorders or eating disorders.
Click here for Athletic Ireland's Mental Health & Wellbeing resource