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Dublin Juv Indoor Championships Day 4 Saturday 19th Feb. 2022 National Indoor Arena, Abbotstown


Please note amendments to initial timetable

Athletes should arrive at least one hour before their first event to allow time to:

  • collect your number from the DSD Official in the stand if you did not compete on D3

  • check in with DSD Official in the stand to register attendance

  • allow sufficient time for warm-up

  • present in assembly at designated time for event

Athletes who competed on Day 3 MUST bring their number for Day 4

Numbers will be collected by DSD Club Official

Please remember events can be brought forward by up to 45mins before scheduled times, therefore it is important to be there at least 1 hour before.

Please note there will be no check-in system operating – however athletes MUST be present in assembly at their designated time to be included in heats.

DSD vest must be worn when competing – those who pre ordered vests online last week will be able to collect them on the day.

There will be no vests available to purchase in Abbotstown

Admission for spectators €5 - wrist band MUST be worn at all times.

There will be a one way system in operation.

Face masks MUST be worn at ALL times, except when warming up and competing.

Athletes and parents/guardians should leave the stadium as soon as possible after their event is finished.

Please be advised, the timetable is subject to change without notice, events could be earlier or later than the scheduled time.

Please remember that all officials are volunteers and to respect their requests and direction during the Championships


Wishing all of our athletes the very best of luck!

Yours in Sport

Sharon Wilson

Director of Athletic Operations

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