<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1490037043013-ID4T7EV119LUROXBAI5R/image-asset.png" alt="" />
U10 – U16 T&F Leagues 2017
Competition/Date Venue/start time
League 1 Saturday 22ndApril Irishtown Stadium 10.30am
League 2 Saturday 29thApril Morton Stadium Santry 10.30am
League 3 Saturday 6th May Tallaght 10.30am
League 4 Sunday 28th May Tallaght 10.30am
Team Championships
U9/10/11 Saturday 27th May Irishtown 10am
Dublin Juvenile U10 – U19 T&F Championships
Day 1 Friday 9th June Morton Stadium Santry 6.30pm/7pm
Day 2 Saturday 10th June Tallaght 10.30am
Day 3 Sunday 11th June Irishtown 10am
Day 4 Friday 16th June Santry 7pm
Day 5 Friday 23rd June Irishtown (Even age relays) 7pm
Program of events will be published as soon as they become available.