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Juvenile Return to Training Dates


Dear Parents/Athletes,

We wish to welcome you back training this week after a great summer with some fantastic weather and equally fantastic (not one bit biased!) World, Commonwealth and European Athletics coverage over the summer. The club is entering an exciting phase with the recent completion of our new Track at our soon to be opened Sports Campus on Tibradden Road. We hope to take up residence there soon, but more to follow on that in the near future.

While we try to settle back into the routine of school and after school activities, I just want to bring your attention to some items of interest:

Summary of Training Return Dates:

· Tuesday 30th August; Marlay Park from 6pm.


Endurance Group (Donal & Eddie) (back training since 20th Aug).

Pre-development Group (born 2008/2009) – finish at 7pm

U11, U12 & U13 Groups (Yr. Born 2012, 2011 & 2010) – finish at 7pm

· Thursday 1st September; Marlay Park from 6pm


Fit4Youth Group – finish at 7pm

Endurance Group (Donal & Eddie)

Pre-development Group (born 2008/2009) – finish at 7pm

All from U10 (born from 2012) and older – finish at 7pm

· Saturday 3rd September; Irishtown Stadium 12pm to 1pm

All juvenile groups U9 to U16 (born 2014 to 2007)

· Wednesday 7th September; Ballinteer Community School (BCS) 6pm to 7pm.

Little Athletics born 2015 to 2013

· Sunday 10th September; Marlay Park from 11am.

Sprints/Hurdles Group with coaches Peter/Olive/Shireen

Summary of Juvenile Training Days, Times & Locations:

· U11/12/13 (Born 2012/11/10) - Tuesday (6pm) & Thursday (6pm). Marlay Park.

· Pre-Development Group (Born 2008/09) – Tuesday (6pm), Thursday (6pm) & Saturday (11am). Marlay Park.

· Fit4Youth – Tuesday (6pm), Thursday (6pm) & Saturday (11am). Marlay Park

· Endurance (Donal & Eddie) – Tuesday (6pm), Thursday (6pm) & Saturday (11am). Marlay Park

· Little Athletics (Born 2015/14/13) – Wednesday. BCS 6pm

· Irishtown – All age groups from U9 to U16 (Born 2015/14/13/12/11/10/09/08/07) Wednesday (7pm) & Saturday (12pm)

Note: Any changes to training venue/time/day will be advised by the coach via the training invites.

Training Invites & Coach Communications:

In addition to our website ( for news and announcements, as before our main communication platform is through the ClubForce App. All invites and Coach communications will issue through the App only. Attendances will be recorded through the app by DSD Officials/Coaches. We ask that you allow app notifications to be received otherwise you will not receive the important training invites and other notifications. If you’re not receiving notifications via the app, please advise and we will help to resolve the issue.

Please note our Coaches/Officials spend time drafting and editing all notifications before issuing. It is important you read the detail issued and where a response is required, please respond in a timely manner. The onus is on all members to read the information issued and be aware of any deadlines for competition entries etc.

Key Competition Dates for your diary:

As we return to training, we are straight into the Cross-Country season with the first Dublin Juvenile XC League taking place on Sunday 18th September, which will be hosted by Lusk AC. The venue will be confirmed in a later communication. Please take note of the following Cross-Country Dates:

· Sunday 18th September – Dublin Juv XC League 1 – North Co. Dublin.

· Sunday 9th October – Dublin Juv XC League 2 & Dublin Novice Championship – Tymon Park.

· Sunday 16th October – Dublin Juv Even Age XC Championships – Abbotstown

· Sunday 6th November – Dublin Juv Uneven Age/Jnr & Senior XC Championships – Venue TBC

· Sunday 11th December – Dublin Juv XC League 3 & Dublin Intermediate XC Championships – Tymon Park.

Weather Warnings (Cancellation of Training due to weather):

It should be noted training is always on regardless of the weather. The only exception to this is where an Orange or Red Weather Warning is issued for Dublin by Met Eireann. In this instance all outdoor training is Automatically Cancelled for all training groups (Juvenile/Junior/Senior/M&T/Master Groups). In these instances, it may not be possible issue a club notification, therefore in the event of an Orange/Red Weather Warning training IS CANCELLED! (Link: DSD Weather Warning)

Juvenile Head Coach

Finally, for those who are not aware, Carol Healy has stepped down from the Juvenile Head Coach role, thankfully Carol isn’t going too far and will continue Coaching the Pre-Development Group. I’m sure you will join with me in thanking Carol for all her hard work and dedication over the years. Many parents/athletes will know me as one of the Jumps Coaches and from my previous years as Juv HC along with other roles within DSD. With Carol stepping down I was asked and have agreed to return as Juv HC. I look forward to getting to know the new parents/athletes and reacquainting with many familiar faces. Please feel free to contact me at, with any queries.

Yours in sport.

Damien Moran

DSD Juvenile Head Coach


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