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Juvenile Training Moves from Marlay Park! Training at BCS from Tuesday 5th Oct.



Please note Juvenile Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Training is moving from Marlay Park to BCS (Ballinteer Community School) with effect Tuesday 5th October.

New training Venue:

BCS (Ballinteer Community School)

Outdoor/Indoor Training:

Current Covid restrictions do not make it feasible to train indoors for most groups. Hopefully, with the change in restrictions from the 22nd October we will be able to facilitate more groups indoors.

Check-in is at 6pm. (Collect at 7pm)

· Tuesday and Thursday training groups will check in at the grass area opposite the sports hall at 6pm. (Collection is at 7pm from the same area).

· Wednesday training (Little Athletics) will check in at the Sports Hall entrance at 6pm. Training will be a mix of indoors and outdoor training. Collection will be from outside the sports hall.


Please continue to dress appropriate for the weather and the darker evenings. All athletes should wear Hi-Viz clothing.

Adult Training Groups:

All adult training groups should check arrangements with their respective coaches.

Reminder – Even Age Cross Country Entries NOW OPEN! See web notice for details:

Yours in Sport.

Carol Healy

Juv Head Coach


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