‘Dublin can be heaven Mansion House at 11 And a stride round Stephen’s Green’
Perfect conditions for the MSB St Patrick’s 5k attracting over 1,350 runners, 24 from DSD AC, with 18 finishing in the first 250.
DSD Male Juniors placed first with 19 points – 26 ahead of Donore Harriers, with Paul O’Donnell coming in first (15.19), Ruadhan O’Grada third, Mark Molloy fourth and Roly Mossop 11th.
In the Male Seniors DSD were second with 63 points, 11 behind Donore Harriers. Leon O’Connor was 5th (15.12), Paul O’Donnell 7th, Ruadha O’Grada 24th and Mark Molloy 27th.
DSD Female Seniors came third with 73 points. Harriet Robinson (4th), Sarah Miles (10th), Sarah O’Carroll (16th) Eileen Gillick (43rd)
The Women’s Team came 3rd, with 57 points, just 6 points behind winners Crusaders AC. Points were notched up by Harriet Robinson, 5th (17.56), Sarah Miles 10th, Sarah O’Carroll 18th, and Pauline Robertson 24th .
In individual age groups Maxine Jones was first in the W60 with a time of 20.58; Pauline Robertson was 3rd (20.28) in the F45; Jim Quinn was 3rd (17.59) in the M45, with Paul Hogan 5th and Fintan Hourihan 11th. Ella Donohoe was 3rd in the FJ (21.55). Colm Murphy, Barry O’Grady and Alan Egan placed well in the competitive M40 group.
The winning time was 14.43 by Colm Sheahan from Leevale AC followed by Michael Hearty From Cork AC.
Deirdre Byrne of Sli Cualann of Wicklow won in the women’s category (16.09), with Catherina McKiernan just behind in 2nd place.
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Report by Maxine Jones – DSD Meet & Train