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Return to Juvenile Training 2024.


Dear Parents/Athletes,


We hope you all had a good Christmas and are ready to return to training in 2024.  We are now 1 year residing at our wonderful campus.  In that time the club has grown from strength to strength, with membership up and growing even further the future is looking very bright for DSD.


Juvenile Training Return Dates:

Please note some juvenile groups may have kept training or have already returned to training over the Christmas period.  All Juvenile training officially returns from Tuesday 2nd January 2024 as follows:


  • Tuesday/Thursday groups return 02/01/24.

  • Wednesday Little Athletics return 03/01/24.

  • Saturday Little Athletics return 06/01/24.


Juvenile Check-in:

Coaches will issue training invites for each training session.  Please Accept/Decline the training invite.  All athletes must Check-in on arrival.  If an athlete is late arriving, please go to your groups designated Warm-up Zone and make yourself known to Coaches who will record your attendance.


IMPORTANT – Change of Age Category from January 2024.

It is important for YOU to note your athlete has moved up an age group from January 2024. 




Competition Dates:

No time for a rest!  We will need to hit the grounding running as we are straight into the Indoor T&F season.  There will be 5 days of Indoor competition, the first day starts on 21st January.  We will soon issue notification of when entries are open together with details of events for each day.  We respectively ask that you please read the competition notifications in full and follow the entry instructions set out in those communications.  Click here to view Juvenile Competition Calendar for 2024.


Membership Renewal January 2024.

Note:  Entry to competitions is subject to athletes being fully registered with DSD for 2024.  A renewal notification was issued earlier in December with details on how you can renew your membership from Tuesday 2nd January.  You can view the Membership Renewal notice on our website here.


Spikes – 5mm in size only:

It should be noted when wearing spikes on the track, the spike inserts/studs should be at maximum 5mm in size.  Inspection of athlete’s spikes can be requested by a Coach/DSD Official at any time, and if it is found the size of the spike insert/studs exceeds 5mm the athlete will not be permitted to wear the spikes until the insert/stud is changed to the correct size.


Drop-off / Collection / Parking:

Please note parking space is limited and we respectfully request members only park in the designated parking areas, reversing into spaces for safety.  Preferably, athletes should be dropped off at the ‘Set Down’ area before training and collected in the same area after training.   


For safety reasons we ask parents not to let young athletes wander the carpark when dropping off or at collection time.  Your co-operation in this matter would be much appreciated.


Finally, wishing a Happy New Year to all our members.  We look forward to seeing you in 2024. 


Yours in sport.


Sharon Wilson (Athletics Operations Director) &

Damien Moran (Head Juvenile Coach)

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