<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5686de32a12f44306f7d3586/1525172982023-AHHSPCMXF2JB2F7CWG5O/DSD+Running+Man.png" alt="DSD Running Man.png" />
Please note Tuesday and Thursday Training for all jevenile groups has moved to Marlay Park for the summer from Tuesday 1st May. All groups will meet at the changing room beside the tennis courts. Take the College Road entrance (M50 side of the park, near the large playground), the changing rooms are beside the tennis courts and soccer pitches below the lower carpark adjacent the large playground. Training is at the same time as before 6pm to 7pm.
VHI Womens Mini Marathon:
Finally, Parents the Womens Mini Marathon (WMM) is coming up on Sunday, 3rd June. For those that are not aware the WMM was set up by the club and is our main fund raising event. The club needs members/family/friends to help with registrations and/or race day.
Volunteers are required as follows:
Trinity registration – Friday 1st June – 9am – 6pm
Trinity registration – Saturday 2nd June – 10am – 6pm
Race Day – Sunday 3rd June – 12 noon – 6pm
Please respond via email to wmmvolunteering@gmail.com as soon as possible indicating your availability to allow us to organise our volunteering effort before the big day.
Your help will be much appreciated.