Paul 2nd in U.23 Nationals
Paul O’Donnell had a fantastic break through at national level, when he finished a fine 2nd place in the National U.23 Men’s Cross Country in Abbotstown on Sunday. This qualifies him for the European Cross Country Championships in Tilburg in December. From the gun Paul and Brian Fay (Raheny) surged to the front of the U.23 race and had a ding dong battle to the finish line, with Brian pulling away over the last 600m of the 10,000m race. In the Senior Women’s Championship, D.S.D finished in 4th place, after an unfortunate mishap to Laura Shaughnessy, who was unable to finish, just as D.S.D., were challenging for top spot in a tough gruelling 6,000m race. Linda Byrne was first home for us in 17th place, with Meghan Ryan 21st; Niamh Devlin 47th; Amy Moran 50th and Harriet Robinson 57th. A much understrength Senior Men’s Team tried their hardest to make up for the absence of Hiko Tonosa (favourite for the race) and Joe Sweeney, due to injury, just missing out on medals finishing in 4th place, led home by Paul O’Donnell 8th and supported well by Robert Corbally 24th; Killian Mooney 28th; Emmet Jennings 30th; John Eves 32nd; Mark Molloy 62nd. D.S.D., lost the U.20 Women’s title, after the longest sequence of victories in any sport in Ireland, beaten by just two points, while attempting 24 titles in a row. The team did not go down without a fight, as they finished a gallant 2nd, led home by Niamh Carey in 13th place and supported by Grace Dervan 29th; Emma Ryan 35th ; Faye Dervan 42nd and Lucy McCann 54th. Bronze medals were won by our U.20 Men (Aaron Donnelly 16th; Oisin Kelly 28th; Canaan St. Lewis 54th and Rossa O’Finneadha 57th); U.18 Boys (Oisin Kelly 14th; Canaan St. Lewis 29th; Rossa O’Finneadha 30th and James Lenehan 63rd, with our U.16 girls pipped by one point for 3rd after recount – Eimear Maher 13th; Saoirse O’Brien 46th; Christine Horan 56th; Ella O’Donohoe 58th. Other juveniles who impressed were Jamie Byrne (U.14) 9th; Isabella Tompkin Beddy (U.14) 14th and Alex Flynn (U.16 Boys) 23rd. Well done to all!
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