Training Update & 2019 XC Fixtures
<img src="http://goodcowebprojects.com/aspire/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/1_Emer26Saoirse.jpg" alt="Emer&Saoirse.jpg" /> Dear Parents, Just a reminder training will start back in BCS today (Tuesday 3 September 2019) for the following groups: · Tuesday’s Little Athletics Group – 6pm to 7pm. · Billy & Carol’s Group (2006/2007/2008) – 6pm to 7pm. · Liz’s Group – 6pm to 7.30pm. · Fit4Youth – 6.15pm to 7.15pm. · NOTE : Donal’s & Eddie’s Groups will remain in Marlay Park until further notice. Drop off & Collections: We would like to remind parents, athletes of primary school age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, once signed in the parent can leave (parents are welcome to stay and observe). Athletes should not be dropped off in the car park or from Broadford Road. Collection is in BCS Hall at 7pm sharp, athletes are not permitted to leave the hall without a parent/guardian. Thank you for your co-operation. Cross Country (XC) Competition Dates for your diary: · Dublin XC League 1 (L1) – Sunday 15th September in Newbridge House Donabate. · Link to XC L1 schedule of events here. · 2019 XC League & Championship fixtures list – Please take note of dates. League competitions are open to all athletes from 2011 up wards. With the League competitions there is no need to pre-register, simply turn up at the venue in time for your race and register with the DSD Official to receive your entry number. Club singlets must be worn and can be purchase via the Women’s Mini Marathon Office. Please see link for purchase instructions. New Members (including siblings of existing members): Please note new member queries will only be accepted through our online enquiries form ( Link: New Member Enquiries ). Places will be offered via the enquiries list in order received, however, priority will be given to sibling of current members. In addition, priority will be given to parents who volunteer to coach, no athletics experience necessary. All we ask is a commitment of one training session per week, completion of an Athletics Leader and Child Safeguarding Courses (which will be funded by DSD) and completion of the Garda Vetting Process. If interested in coaching, please email damiendsdac@gmail.com or note your interest on the new member enquiry form. Look forward to seeing you at training. If you have any queries regarding the above or anything else, feel free to email or approach me at training. Yours in sport. Damien Moran damiendsdac@gmail.com